Adult Faith Formation

Signs and Wonders

A Beginner’s Guide to the Miracles of Jesus 

by Amy-Jill Levine

In Signs and Wonders: a beginner's guide to the miracles of Jesus, AJ Levine explores selected miracles of Jesus in historical and theological context. For each miracle, she discusses not only how past witnesses would have understood the events, but also how today's readers can draw meaning from Jesus’s words and actions. The DVD consists of six video sessions as follows:

1) Jan 5 - Mark 2: 1-12 “Take up your palate and walk” - the role of caregivers.

2) Jan 19 - Mark 4: 35-41 “Stilling the storm” - attending to nature.

3) Jan 26 - Luke 9: 10-17 “The feeding of the 5000 (or more) The centrality of bread.

4) Feb 2 - Congregation Meeting - One Service No class

5) Feb 9 - Matthew 9: 18-26 “A bleeding woman” - The importance of women's bodies.

6) Feb 16- Mark 8: 22-26 “ A two stage miracle” - Seeing again.

7) Feb 23- John 11: 1-44 “The raising of Lazarus” Taking death seriously.

AJ Levine engages the miracles of Jesus with scholarly acumen and signature wit. Those who have been intimidated by these texts will be encouraged by her candor. Those who have been inspired by Jesus’s miracles will find even deeper dimensions of meaning in the practical, pastoral, theological, and literacy levels she opens, and the provocative issues raised, from food insecurity to gender assumptions. Levine presses the essential “so what?” question and challenges us to be changed by these stories --and to be amazed. Please join us for any or all of these sessions.

The sessions are facilitated by Hank Fisher, Joe Martin and Steve Lacombe.